Friday, September 7, 2007

I was born on a pirate ship...

These "tongue depressors" are brilliant, done by Tamara Shopsin, they most definitely tickled my funny bone. Although I must admit I didn't catch on right away, but when I did, it got a sincere chuckle out of me. The fact that I love pirates just makes it that much better.
Some very cool stuff to check out at her site - Tamara


Anonymous said...

Oh no, I still don't get it. Is it about walking a plank?

Christopher de Beer said...

hahahah no, :) think "aaarrrrggggg..." the noise.

Joanna Goddard said...

i thought it was a plank, too!
very cute.

Kate Neckel said...

love this...gave me a giggle...

Anonymous said...

now I get it. Also, like the Sunday Workshop pics.

Joanna Goddard said...

my friend lina says it's because when she was little, friends would and tell her to hold her tongue and say "i was born on a pirate ship," but when she did it, it would come out as "i was born on a pile of shit."

do you think that's the reason?

prashant said...

thought it was a plank, too!
very cute.

Work from home India

kanishk said...

i thought it was a plank, too!
very cute.
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