Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A long time coming

Ive been working on my project '' in every spare moment I've gotten, so I've not managed to add any posts here for a while. Above is a experiment I did with outputting stats collected from the service I'm building, and while I was trying to look at ways of displaying data and statistics such that they are easily accessible and interesting, I quite like the above beyond-basic result, I find it quite interesting in a very minimalist abstract sense, though its not helpful at all. It quite reminds me of a train departure board.

On a more productive note, Ive been working on the User Interface of and think I'm almost there, heres a preview of the work in progress:
Things are going along well.


JP said...

Looking hot boet. Looking forward to seeing the final result!

müzik dinle said...

nice article =)

Nick Rose said...

Nice to see your back on the inter web and doing some cool stuff.
I often think that i shold just pack a bag and come and gate crash your tour of brittain...oh well. Stay cool. Nick